Monday, October 14, 2019

Spelling Update: 1.7 -am, -an, & -all

Spelling Update

This week, we are working on unit 1.7 - reading and spelling words with -am, -an, and -all.   Our heart words this week are word, work, and very.  Use the links below to access our lists on Spelling City.

Both m and n are called nasal sounds because the sound comes out the nose.  The m and n change the short a sound from a pure short a to a nasal sound.  The letter l is a liquid sound and distorts the vowel sound as well.  These letter combinations will be read as chunks with the sounds glued together.  Teach the exceptions pal and gal during this unit.
Click here for this week's spelling focus -am, -an, & -all).
For HEART WORD practice, Spelling City has separate lists of our High Frequency Words (HFW).  Here is the link for HFW for the first quarter.