This week we are starting 3.1 = reading and spelling words with the suffix -ed and -ing with unchanging base words. The suffix -ed spells three sounds: /d/, /t/, and /id/.
We are focusing this week (2/3/20) on words that end with -ed and reviewing second quarter heart words so that students have them mastered going into the third quarter. This week's spelling test will include a third quarter heart word component.
The following week (2/10/20) we will continue to work on -ed words and work on -ing words, too.
We are focusing this week (2/3/20) on words that end with -ed and reviewing second quarter heart words so that students have them mastered going into the third quarter. This week's spelling test will include a third quarter heart word component.
The following week (2/10/20) we will continue to work on -ed words and work on -ing words, too.
This week's heart words are about, again, & around.