Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Math Tasks 1 & 2

Since Schoology is.... experiencing growing pains at the moment, here are the tasks listed:

Dreambox Task: 
Each week, you should complete a minimum of 5 lessons in Dreambox.  You can be working on this throughout the week and not complete this prior to going on to the next task in this folder.
 Log in to your Clever account 
  • Self-monitor the number of completed lessons by clicking on your icon in the top left corner
 In order for you to reach your weekly lesson goals, we recommend setting up multiple sessions of DreamBox throughout the week and complete at least one or two lessons every time you log in. Work to develop these habits: 
  • Be okay with mistakes. As long as students complete lessons, DreamBox will be able to assess their comprehension and adapt.
  • Work independently. Helping a student through a lesson can progress them beyond their current abilities and lead to frustration.
  • Only use the virtual manipulatives. DreamBox lessons are designed for students to think through problems without the use of pencil and paper.
  • Use the help/hint button when needed.
  • Use headphones with the volume on.

Task 2a: Addition within 10: Numeracy Activity - This task is only available through Schoology.
Task 2b: Addition with 10: Make a ten
- Watch Making Ten video - embedded below. 

Task 2c: Make a 10: Learning Activity

Learning Activity – Make 10
  • 2 different sets of objects to show different combinations. (blocks, pasta, buttons or other small objects) 
  •  2 different colored crayons (markers, colored pencils)
Use the attached Number Paths and two types of objects to make sets that make 10.
 As the student makes each combination of 10:
  •  Say your equation.  (one plus nine equals 10)
  • Color in the Number Path to show the combination
  •  Write your equation.  ( 1 + 9 = 10 )
Hint:  There are 12 combinations that make 10 if you
include 0 + 10 = 10

Check for understanding: THIS IS WHAT YOU SEND TO YOUR TEACHER!  Respond through the Schoology Platform or email a picture to your teacher through Dojo.
What do you notice about 1 + 9 = 10 and 9 + 1 = 10?   Can you find any other number combinations that work together to make 10?    Students may notice that you can switch the order of the numbers and still make 10. (4+6=10, 6 + 4= 10)